To harness the healing properties of the plant, the placenta was buried under a fruit tree. If a girl was born, the placenta was often buried under an apple tree. If a boy was born, it was buried under a hazel tree.
The fruits from this tree were considered healing for the child. Since humans are naturally vegetarians, it is not necessary to consume the placenta itself for medicinal purposes when it can be buried under a tree, allowing the child to receive the fruits that grow from that tree as a source of healing power.
These fruits will carry the information of the person whose placenta is buried beneath them, granting them special strength. Different medicinal herbs can be planted to enhance the healing effect of the apples. Apples have the ability to absorb fragrance and inherit the healing properties of the herbs growing in the shade on the side of the tree from which the apple grows. On one side, herbs for the heart can be planted, and on the other side, herbs for the liver, and so on, depending on the child's health condition.